This item is $22.99/LB, the estimated final price is between $9.00 and $28.73 and the estimated final weight is between 0.45 and 1.25 lbs. Final price determined by final weight. Once item(s) is weighed, seller will charge you final price less deposit. You will receive a receipt for the final charge.
Hanger steaks belong to the flat steak group, which is the same group that flank and skirt steaks belong to. This cut comes from right below the diaphragm of the animal, full of muscle that helps support it. The meat sits between the loin and ribs, essentially “hanging” out in that spot, giving it its unique name. The hanger stands out, though, for an important reason: its incredible flavor! Although it’s a thin cut of steak, its fans sure do love its robust, meaty flavor that has the potential to become a household favorite. Thanks to its placement in the animal, deep within the loin, it stays very tender for such a thin cut.