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Organic Chicken Whole leg

Organic Chicken Whole leg

$7.39 /lb.
Avg. 1.4 lb.

This item is $7.39/LB, the estimated final price is between $10.35 and $14.41 and the estimated final weight is between 1.4 and 1.95 lbs. Final price determined by final weight. Once item(s) is weighed, seller will charge you final price less deposit. You will receive a receipt for the final charge.

What’s in a whole chicken leg? The whole chicken leg is comprised of both the drumstick and the thigh. The joint between the drumstick and thigh is left intact. Chicken legs and thighs are an excellent source of many essential nutrients. Iron and zinc, which are important for a healthy immune system, are present in much higher quantities in dark meat than in white meat.